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You're viewing Star Trek : Starship Creator - Warp 2 Cheat Codes

Game Name : Star Trek : Starship Creator - Warp 2
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-06-20 21:44:25
Views : 24532

180,000,000 credits and a free ship:
Go to the fleet screen and click on "Import Ship". A window will appear. Click "Desktop" on that window to bring up a list of desktop icons that you have on your computer. Double click on either the original Starship Creator icon or the add-on pack icon. A message stating that too many errors have occurred will appear, and that it will shut down. Go back into the game, and check your fleet screen. You should have a Sovereign-class variant ship called the USS Insurrection. Decommission it, and you will get over 180 million credits. If you want the cash and the ship, repeat the process, but do not decommission the ship. If you get greedy and repeat this process three times and decommission all three ships, your credits will go down to zero.

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